I’m Alex Khadiwala. I live in Los Angeles, where I explore, run, bake, cook, and enjoy whisk(e)y.
My first computer was a Packard Bell 286SX, running MS-DOS 3.10. The excess metal that framed its 5.25" floppy drive rested below a 13" monochrome CRT, and sat like a monolith holding its secrets from me. I was a relentlessly curious 6 year old, pecking out "hello" and "help" at the blinking prompt on the mechanically switched keyboard. My curiosity was a learned behavior from my dad. And he eventually brought a friend over to give us a crash course in DOS. We hand wrote the commands he taught us during his visit, and for the weeks to come, I was no longer writing bad commands or file names. These first commands gave way to learning BASIC, writing my first computer games, building websites for family friends, and eventually making software engineering my profession.
My father also introduced me to Star Trek: The Next Generation. It fed my curiosity through the many worlds the ship's crew explored, while presenting the concept of social challenges through the many inter and intra species interactions, and to imagine what a post scarcity society could look like. Captain Picard showed me the model of a leader I strive to be: moral, resolute, compassionate and caring. My mother showed me the joys of cooking through her love of making incredible dishes from around the world, and her pride in bringing happiness to those she served. Music was something both my parents had a strong passion for, with jazz, latin, classical, or pop music being the mood for casual nights, Sunday afternoons, or the many parties they hosted. I observed and inherited their love of music. These early experiences are still a part of my foundation and identity.
Through the lessons and guidance of my parents along with other mentors and leaders I have had, I have made a life commitments to personal growth, and to live a life that maintains my values and virtues: authenticity, compassion, curiosity, honesty, mindfulness, presence, respect, resourceful, and trustworthy.
Much of my time is spent pursuing my interests and passions:
- Whisk(e)y
- Baking bread
- Cooking
- Running
- Travel